Between Heresy and lunacy – By Femi Adefila

Between Heresy and lunacy – By Femi Adefila

Karl Marx , a German philosopher, economist, and the least funny of the Marxists in the snappily titled Contribution to the Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right, he famously called religion “the opium of the people,” he believed that religion was not only used by those in power to oppress the workers, but was also used to make them feel better even as they are b oppressed and couldn’t afford real opium.

According to Wikipedia, Opium is made up of analgesic alkaloid morphine, processed chemically to produce heroin and other synthetic opioids for medicinal use and for the illegal drug trade.

Africa is where you find the most religious adherents on planet earth. Religion is the opium the peoples drink , it gets them intoxicated and make their brain cells to communicate at lower rate.

The merchants of faith are aware of this and exploit it to the fullest. Grandiose manipulation of the vulnerable minds is the stock in trade of these middlemen of faiths who claim to intercede between God and men. They claim they hear God and masquerade as God’s representatives on earth

A certain “mummy GO “ Evangelist Fumilayo of Mountain of Solution in Ota, Ogun state is presently enjoying social media frenzy . Her heresy is unequalled, it is at a level of lunacy . I have seen about eight different video skits by this lady and my worry is the amount of viewership her vituperations enjoy.

As a Christian, her heresy sounds more like a blasphemy to me. They are nonsensical outbursts of some one who needs mental help.

My worry however is the shame her unchallenged conducts and Charlatanism are bringing to the body of Christ . She is behaving like a loose cannon desperate to soil the garment of faith, Her claims are criminal, bogus, unchristian, unfounded and stand logic on the head.

I hope CAN do something before this perverted comedian turns the faith to a butt of joke. The yoke of our Lord is easy and every heavily ladened mind is invited to come for respite. This is the creed that CAN must stand up to defend and rescue from her likes.

I have read a couple of outlandish acts of some so called pastors in East African countries, Ghana and across the continent including a recent “holy bath” in a place called “church” but I never thought such end time misadventures could come close home so embarrassingly.

Apostle Peter definitely had clowns like Evangelist Funmi In mind when he warned us to guide the loins of our hearts. The heart is so fragile , it deserves protection from messages like this.






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